I went through my fair share of hard times in my first semester at Dixie. I think a lot of people can agree that sometimes you just end up with roommates that are hard to live with, and that was me in the fall. I am so glad that my college experience has shifted. I moved in with new roommates for second semester in January and I was very apprehensive about whether I would be welcomed and fit in or not considering my experiences first semester. As soon as I moved in, they were so cute and welcomed me in as their friend. I just love all of them and I am so grateful to them for making sure I felt included in everything and making my experiences at Dixie change from horrible (first semester) to so amazing this semester! I decided to come back to Dixie in the Fall which wouldn't have happened if I didn't end up having amazing roommates that literally changed my life!
(Holly, Carlie, Aubree, Calee)
Aubree-- I share a room with Aubree, and I love it! I met her first out of all my roommates and my first impression of her was that she just is a way cute and fun girl! She is always so bubbly and fun to be around! She also has the most amazing singing voice I have ever heard, I think she should seriously be the voice of the new Disney princess. What I love about being her roommate is that she can always tell when I am having a bad day and she always talks to me to make sure everything is okay. She is a very thoughtful and loving person. She is that roommate that I can talk to and she is the one that always makes sure I feel included. I love that about her because she never leaves anyone out. She always invites me to go everywhere with her. I am so lucky to have a roommate like her!
(Kevin, Carlie, Calee, Holly, Aubree)
Maddy-- I barely see Maddy because she always has something to do. She is a busy worker with all of her studies, but when I do see her, we always have long chats. Last weekend I came home from Spring Break and she was the only one home already. She taught me how to play Tetris Battle on Facebook and we bonded. We were just laughing and having a great time that night. The next morning she woke me up with a bowl of breakfast she had made for me, just potatoes, eggs, cheese and salsa... it was so good! I really appreciated that she would think of me and bring me food! Maddy is such a thoughtful and sweet person. (Still need a picture with her though!)
Carlie-- I love Carlie so much. She is the funniest person you will ever meet! She is so fun to talk to because she is always so upbeat and positive. I need to learn a few things from her because I just admire how positive of a person she always is! She is such a great example to me of patience. She has gone through trials this semester and still tries to make the best of it! She is the sporty one, and plays soccer.. which I know absolutely nothing about but I love hearing her talk about it! She is so much fun to be around, and the easiest person to get along with, she is so easy going and is the person to calm arguments down between the roommates.
(Calee, Holly)
Calee-- Oh Calee... I think I spend most of my time with her. I can really tell her anything! I think out of all the roommates, I relate to her the most. She is so hilarious! She makes every situation upbeat and exciting. We both share the same love for food, particularly Jimmy Johns haha. I got to spend all weekend with her and we could just sit and talk for hours and laughing until we were sick to our stomachs. We will just go for drives and have so much fun dancing and singing to blasting music. She really is a great example to me of doing what is right. If I am having a bad day she will always try and cheer me up. She is so nice to everyone, and makes everyone happier with her fun-loving personality. I just love her.
(Calee, Scott, Carlie, Holly, Aubree)
We have all done so much together; from bonfires, hot tubbing, movie marathons, dance parties, basketball games, glow in the dark golfing, and just hanging out having a blast! I am so excited for next Fall semester! Calee, Carlie, and I are going to room together again and it is going to be SUCH a fun semester! I am so excited! I am so grateful to all of these girls and the great examples they are in my life, I have been through my hard times with last semester, I just wanted to give up and go home for Spring semester, and right when I wanted to leave and go to SLCC for the Spring, I met Aubree, and everything fell into place. I know things happen for a reason, which is why I am so glad I met Aubree at a random SHE club sleepover. These girls have made my experiences at Dixie turn a full 180 degrees. I am now having the time of my life, just enjoying this last month in St. George until the summer starts! Having good roommates changes everything! I love you all! <3
I am so happy that you met those girls holl! I am sad that I haven't seen you as much this semester and that I won't be her next year, but I'm sure you will have an absolute blast! :) You are a girl that makes it so easy to be silly and have a good time. Thanks for bringing me so much joy in times that I really needed it! love you!