Fleurry is my best friend in the entire world. I just love her, and she is such a great example in my life! She is the most hilarious person you will ever meet! Whenever I am having a bad day and need someone to talk to I will call her and she just makes my day so much happier. We have been friends for years and we can talk for hours and hours at a time! This may sound cheesy, but she was brought into my life for a reason. She is so optimistic and I admire her in ways no one could imagine!
I spent the whole day with her yesterday, our day started out by meeting each other near Steiner, and our adventures included: riding on the TRAX to go eat some Cafe Rio, taking some pretty artistic pictures while waiting for the TRAX, missing the TRAX, getting free jackets (which we wore everywhere yesterday), going to the U of U and playing a game called "Red Beard" (which we both won in the end just FYI), then going to the mall and jumping on a trampoline and being injured in return... bad idea... but it was fun anyways. What I thought was funny was we were sitting by some people at the TRAX and Fleurry and I decided to pretend we had just met each other but we didn't fool anybody, they could tell we were already best friends! haha Even though it sounds like we didn't do much, I have not had so much fun in my entire life!
We then went to a special needs mutual that night. I loved every second of it! Fleurry goes there every week and is a Junior Leader. I was excited because I have never been to something like that. As we sat for opening exercises and sang some primary songs, I was amazed at how the testimonies of all these people just flooded the room, and I could feel the Spirit so strongly. It helped me build a stronger testimony just by being there for one night. I admire Fleurry so much as I watched how all those kids LOVED her and she was SO cute with them, just laughing and having such a great time! She is the friendliest person you will ever meet! All those kids were so fun to be around and I loved interacting with them while we drew on paper four leaf clovers!
After special needs mutual, we went back to her house. Her family really is just the cutest ever! Her mom was so sweet and made some toll house cookies (DELICIOUS!!) and then we were all just laughing and having a great time! THEN okay... so I know I am a little bit of a nerd but I LOVE Justin Beiber... and Fleurry's sister Lilly loves him too and so we were freaking out together and ran upstairs to watch his music video "Never Say Never" okay... BEST music video of his... he is SO attractive.. okay done ranting about him.
After this crazy and adventurous day was over, Fleurry took me home and she must have been tired but she sat with me and talked about life, and I realized she is one of the strongest people I know. She pushes through all her trials with being kind and grateful for everything in her life! She makes me want to be a better person. I am so lucky to have such great friends in my life, I know they are always there for me and I appreciate them more than ever!
I could fill pages and pages of this blog about Fleurry and how AMAZING of a person she really is! I love you Fleurry, THANK YOU for being with me all day yesterday and being such a great friend! xoxo
HOLLY this made me cry!! I'm just so flattered, you make me sound way cooler than I am! Hahaha I seriously wish I could be half the person you described in your post... That's what I love about you because you see the beauty and the joy in everything! but seriously I LOVE you to death, and I'm SO glad we got to spend THE ENTIRE DAY with each other! I miss being around you because you're always so upbeat and positive about every situation, and you ALWAYS make the best of it! (Like when I made you do the trampoline thing haha)But truly I adore you and I'm sad we couldn't go to the temple today! I hope we'll be able to do something tonight!!!! LOVE YOU NEW BEST FRIEND!!! <3 ;)
ReplyDeleteFleurry! All of this was true about what I think about you! You really are the sweetest person ever! I love you!! And I loved our adventures yesterday hopefully you feel better tonight but don't feel bad if you don't feel better :) I love you "new" best friend! <3
ReplyDeleteA post about you and our CRAZY adventure is going up soon! By the way I'll send you all the pictures that we WON'T share with the world cause they're just TOO pretty for anyone else's eyes! Hehe :)
ReplyDeleteYAY! I cannot wait to read it! And yes please send me those pictures haha and yes they are just TOO beautiful for the rest of the world to see them... I mean we wouldn't want anyone to get jealous ;)
ReplyDeleteYou two are nuts and so much fun. I'm so glad you had this great day together!
ReplyDeleteI read Fleurry's post about this day and LOVED the pictures! I was telling her how much I admire your guys' friendship! You both are so adorable! I love you girls to death and seriously better see you more this summer than I did this semester! :) grr. hahah love you! xoxo